Policies and Procedures for Completing the Presidential Scholarship


  • June 1 Summer funds available
  • Nov. 15 Mid-project progress report due (2-3 pages in length; clear it with your sponsor before submitting to the SAGA office)
  • May 1 Final project due-the format and length to be agreed upon with your sponsor
    Evaluation from sponsor due

Requirements for the Mid-project progress report:

Scholars will:

  • assess their schedules for project completion
  • note and explain changes in research or project design (as a result of data collection or analysis of materials)
  • submit a revised project schedule indicating that the mid-April completion deadline will be met
  • attach addenda, if they desire, to substantiate progress

Faculty Advisors will :

  • submit a letter on or by November 1 to the Undergraduate Grants and Awards Committee, care of SAGA, evaluating the Scholar's progress and confirming the schedule for completion of the project.

If neither the Scholar nor the Faculty Advisor can substantiate the progress of the proposed research, the committee may decide to recommend that the Scholar not complete the project. In that eventuality, the Scholar may not receive academic credit, and will no longer be a Presidential Senior Scholar.

The completed Presidential scholarship project is due on or before May 1, in the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards. Each Presidential Scholar must submit five copies of the project to the SAGA Office (it's also a nice gesture to provide a copy for your sponsor). The format of the project will vary: projects can be videos, CDs, art work, musical scores, as well as essays. Regardless, three copies are required.
The final report should be submitted in the following format:

  • 12 pt. Font, double-spaced
  • White (not colored) paper; no cardstock
  • Do not bind or staple; paper clip pages

Two copies of the project will be bound and presented to Hatfield Library; one copy will be presented to the CAS Dean's office; one copy will be presented to the President's Office; and one copy will remain in the Student Academic Grants and Awards Office. If your project has a digital component, please provide a copy that can be replicated. If your project has copyright, please submit a signed copyright form when you turn in the project--this does not assign copyright to the university; but it will allow us to make a copy if circumstances require it.

The final stage of the project should include the submission of a final expense report (to Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards). The sponsor's award will be paid when the project is completed and a letter of evaluation from your sponsor has been submitted to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards.

The project's Sponsor must submit a one-page summary evaluation of the project to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards within 30 days of the project's submission.

Presidential Scholars must submit a one-page evaluation of their Sponsor's contribution to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards within 30 days of the project's submission.

Willamette University

Student Academic Grants and Awards

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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